¡@ Brief
¡@ Purpose
¡@ Structure
¡@ Strategy
¡@ New and Renewable
¡@ Research Team
¡@ Technology Transfer
¡@ Beginning
¡@ Solar Building
¡@ Research Team




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¡@ Development Strategy and Planning of New and Renewable Energy ¡@
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  1. B. J. Huang : ¡§ Future Development of Solar Energy in Taiwan¡¨, Keynote Speech at Chinese 14th Solar Energy Convention and Academic Workshop , Annual Report, Dec. 9-10, 1995, 12F Chang-Gu World Trade Building, Kaohsiung

  2. B. J. Huang and 12others : ¡§Renewable Energy Planning Report¡¨, C. J. Ma Chaired : ¡§Final Report of the Development Planning of New Energy and Clean Energy Research¡¨ Chapter 2, p. 22- p.432. Energy Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affair, Published on May, 1999.

  3. B. J. Huang : ¡§Energy Technology Long-Term Development Plan ¡V Subplan 2 : Application and Development of New Energy¡¨, Planning Report of National Science Council, NSA88-2621-Z-002-028, June 1999.

  4. B.J.Huang and C.Y.Yang: "Renewable energy in the 21st century for Taiwan". World Renewable Energy Congress VI, July 1-7, 2000, Brighton, UK.

  5. B.J.Huang: ¡§Exploration and Utilization of New Energy in Taiwan¡¨. International Symposium on Solar and Wind Energy, Sept.25-26, 2000. Taipei, Taiwan.

  6. B.J.Huang: ¡§Exploration of ambient heat by heat pump¡¨. 2000 Sustainable Energy Conference, June 11, 2000.

  7. B.J.Huang: "Renewable energy and combined heat and power system for Taiwan in the 21st Century". International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Strategies: Taiwan and the World. Sept.29-30, 2000. National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan.

  8. ¡§How to Promote Solar Energy Market¡¨ (B. J. Huang) , ¡§2003 Solar Hot Water System Performance Enhancement Conference¡¨ , International Hall of Far East Technology College, 26 March, Hsin-Shi, Tainan

  9. ¡§General Description of Heat Pump in Taiwan¡¨ (B. J. Huang), ¡§2003 Solar Energy Technology and Industrial Development Conference¡¨. 203 International Hall of Engineering Building of NTU, 28 Nov. 2003, p. 1-22

  10. ¡§General Description of Heat Pump in Taiwan¡¨ (B. J. Huang), ¡§2004 Solar Energy Innovation and Technology Conference¡¨. 9F International Hall of Far East Technology College, 24 March, 2004 , Hsin-Shi, Tainan

  11. ¡§New Generation Solar Water Heater¡¨ (B. J. Huang, J. B. Lee), ¡§2004 Solar Energy Innovation and Technology Conference¡¨. 9F International Hall of Far East Technology College, 24 March, 2004 , Hsin-Shi, Tainan

  12. B. J. Huang : ¡§Technologic Development of High Illumination LED Lighting and Solar Lighting Application¡¨, 2005 Solar Energy Academy-Industry Cooperated Development Conference, National Chin-Yi Technology College, pp. 87-136, 2005/08/01

  13. ¡§The Coming Age of LED Street Lighting¡¨ (B. J. Huang), Lighting Quarterly, pp. 22-27 (2006/9)

  14. ¡§The Coming Age of LED Street Lighting¡¨ (B. J. Huang), New Instrument Knowledge, pp. 6-10 (2006/12)

  15. B. J. Huang : ¡§ Energy Saving Problems and Strategy of the Residential and Commercial Department¡¨, Urban Warm Air Reduction Strategy Conference, Socrates Hall of Collect Thinking Conference Center of NTU, 2006/01/17

  16. B. J. Huang : ¡§Future Vision of Applied Solar Energy for LED Lighting¡¨, Sponsored Optic-Electric Promotion Society, 2006 2nd LED Lighting International Conference, Taipei Trade Denter, 2006/06/16

  17. B. J. Huang : ¡§Solar Energy Application : Development Timing and Strategy of New Energy¡¨. Nan-Sa Science and Technology Forum : Energy Breakthrough, Nan-Sa, Guan-Chou.

  18. B. J. Huang : ¡§Development Timing and Trend of New Energy Industry¡¨, 2006 Solar Energy Academy-Industry Cooperation Conference, B1 Speech Hall of Engineering Building of National Chin-Yi Technology College, 2006/07/24

  19. B. J. Huang : ¡§Technical Development and Industrial Future Vision of High Efficiency LED Lighting¡¨. 2006 New Energy Technology Conference , International Hall o Engineering Building of NTU, 2006/11/30

  20. ¡§Description of Technical and Market Development of High Efficiency LED Lighting¡¨ (B. J. Huang), 2007 New Energy Technology Conference , pp. 199-215, 2007/11/22

  21. B.J.Huang: ¡§Technology Development and Market Opportunity of New Energy¡¨, 2007 Pioneered New Energy Technology Conference¡App. 45-71(2007/12/11)

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