¡@ Brief
¡@ Purpose
¡@ Structure
¡@ Strategy
¡@ New and Renewable
¡@ Research Team
¡@ Technology Transfer
¡@ Beginning
¡@ Solar Building
¡@ Research Team




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¡@ High Efficiency LED Lighting ¡@
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  1. B. J. Huang, M. S. Wu : ¡§Development of Intelligent Solar LED Lighting¡¨, 2005 Solar Energy Academy-Industry Cooperation Development Conference ( National Chin-Yi University), PP. 48-56 (2005/08/01)

  2. B. J. Huang, M. S. Wu : ¡§Development of Intelligent Solar LED Lighting¡¨, 2005 Solar Energy Technology Conference, sponsored by Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, pp.95-106 (2005/12/08)

  3. B.J.Huang and P.C. Hsu, ¡§Study of system dynamics model and control of a high-power LED lighting luminaire¡¨. Int J. Energy(2006)

  4. Min-Sheng Wu, Bin-Juine Huang and Jia-Jun Wu: ¡§Development a smart control system for high-power LED solar lighting¡¨, World Renewable Energy Congress IX, P.590(2006.08.19)

  5. B. J. Huang, M. S. Wu : ¡§Development of Solar LED Lighting Technology¡¨, 2006 Solar Energy Academy-Industry Cooperation Development Conference ( National Chin-Yi University), (2006,7,24).

  6. B. J. Huang, M. S. Wu : ¡§Research of intelligent Solar LED Lighting Technology¡¨, 2006 New Energy Technology Conference, Engineering College of national Taiwan University, (2006,11,30)

  7.  B.J.Huang and P.C. Hsu, ¡§Study of system dynamics model and control of a high-power LED lighting luminaire¡¨. Energy, Vol.32, pp.2187¡V2198(2007)

  8. B.J. Huang, Min-Sheng Wu, H.H. Huang, J.W. Chen, ¡§Economic analysis of solar-powered LED roadway lighting¡¨. 2007 ISES Solar World Congress,pp. 60-67(2007/9/21-25)

  9. B.J. Huang, H.H.Huang, J.W.Chen, and M.S. Wu: ¡§Economic feasibility of independent solar-powered LED roadway lighting¡¨, 2007 World Renewable Energy Conference-Pacific Rim Region, p.118(2007/10/29-11/01)

  10. Independent Type High Efficiency Solar LED Road Lighting / B. J. Huang, 2007 Solar Energy Academy-Industry Cooperation Development Conference, pp. 55-84 (2007/7/25)

  11. Intelligent Type Solar LED Lighting Technology / M. S. Wu, 2007 New Energy Technology Conference, pp. 115-124 (2007/11/22)

  12. B.J.-Huang, C.W. Tang, M.S. Wu, "System Dynamics Model of High-Power LED Luminaire", Applied Thermal Engineering, Accepted.

  13. B.J.-Huang, C.W. Tang, "Thermal-electrical-luminous model of multi-chip polychromatic LED luminaire", Applied Thermal Engineering, (under review)

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