臺大機械工程研究所博士班資格考試各科範圍 |
以下考試範圍於每學年開學時公佈一次。 |
1. |
(a) Viscous Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, by F. M. White, Chap.
1 to Chap. 4. |
2. |
(a) Modern Compressible Flow, by J. D. Anderson, Jr.,
Chap. 1 to Chap. 10. |
3. |
(a) Principles of Ideal-Fluid Aerodynamics, by K. Karamcheti,
1996, Chap. 1 to Chap. 13.
(b) Fundamental Mechanics if Fluids, by I. G. Currie,
1974, Chaps. 2, 4 & 5. |
4. |
(a) Principles of Thermodynamics, by J. S. Hsieh, Chaps.
1 to 5, Chaps. 8,10 & 11.
(b) Thermodynamics and an introduction to thermo statistics
by H.B.Callen ,Chap 1-13. |
5. |
(a) Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd Edition, by
W. M. Kays and M. E. Crawford, McGraw-Hill, 1980, Chap.1
to Chap. 16.
(b) Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, by W. H. Rohsenow
and H. Y. Choi, Prentice-Hall, 1961, Chaps 7 & 8.
6. |
(a) Conduction Heat Transfer, By V. S. Arpaci, Addison
Wesley, 1966, Chap. 1 to Chap. 7.
(b) Heat Transfer, by J. P. Holman, Chap. 8: Radiation
Heat Transfer. |
7. |
(a)T.D Burton,Introduction to Dynamic Systems Analysis,
McGraw-Hill,1994 Chapters1-6
(b)Principle and applications of electrical engineering,
3rd Ed.,Giorgio Rizzoni,2002,McGraw-Hill,Chpaters2-6,
and Chpater 12.
(c)Advanced Engineering Dynamics, 2nd Ed.,J,H. Ginsberg,
Cambridge, Chapter 6. |
8. |
(a) K. J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, 3th Ed.,Computer-Controlled
Systems, Theory and Design,Prentice-Hall,1997.Chapters
(b) C.T.Chen,3th ed.,Linear Systems,Theory and Design,
Chapters1-6, and 8,9.
(c) K.Zhou,J.C. Doyle,Essentials of Robust Control,Prentice-Hall,1998,Chapt
1-6 ,and 8. |
9. |
(a) A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky, S. H. Nawab,Signals
and Systems, 2nd ed.,
(b)A.V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal
Processing, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall,1998 |
10. |
(a) Elasticity: Theory and Applications, by H. Reismann
and P. S. Pawlik, 1980, Chap.1 to Chap 10.
(b) Engineering Elasticity, by R.T. Fenner, 1986, Ellis
Horwood Ltd. 1987. Chapter 1-8,10. |
11. |
(a) Foundations of the Theory of Plasticity, by L. M.
(b) Plasticity for Structural Engineers, by W. F. Chen
and D. J. Han. |
12. |
Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids by J.D.Achenbach, 1973. |
13. |
最佳設計(Optimum Design):
(a) Ashok D. Belegundu and Tirupathi R. Chandruppatla,''Optimization
Concepts and Applications in Engineering",Prentice-Hall,1999.
(b)R.L.Fox, "Optimization Methods for Engineering
Design",Addison -Wesley,1971. |
14. |
(a)“Machine Dynamics”, Sneck, H.J., 1991.
(b)“Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery”, Mabie, H.H.
and Reinholtz, C.F., 1987. |
15. |
(a) "Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages" by R.S.
Hartenberg & J.Denavit, 1995, International Editions.
(b) "平面機構之運動學與設計" by 蔣君宏, 2002年, 高立圖書公司. 第1,3,6,7章. |
16. |
(a) Mechanical Behavior of Materials, by Norman E.Dowling,
2nd Ed.Prentice Hall.
Chap. 4,8,9-11,15
(b) Mechanical Metallurgy, by George E. Dieter, 3rd Ed.
McGraw-Hill Book Company. CHpa. 4-14 (page 103-500) |
17. |
(a) Metal Cutting Principles, by M. C. Shaw, Claredon
Press, Oxford, 1984, Chaps. 1 to 19 except Chap. 4, 5,
6 and 7. |
18. |
(a) J. A. Schey,Introduction to Manufacturing Process,
3rd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2000, chap.7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 13, 14.(pp.184-471,pp.512-590)
(b) G. Boothroyd and W. A. Kinght, Fundamentals of Machining
and Machine Tools,
2nd ed.,Marcel Dekker, Inc.,1988, chap.9,10,11,14(pp.239-351,467-514)
(c) M.C.Flemings, Solidification Processing, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., 1974, (Chap.2 and Ch.3, PP.31~61)
(d) N.Holonyak, Tr., ed., The Growth of Single Crystals,
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1970, (Ch.5, PP. 159~206)
(e) Semi-Solid Forming, Haudout. |
19. |
(a) Introduction to Probability Models by Sheldon M. Ross
(歐亞): Chapters 1-7, 8.1-8.6, 10.
(b)An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling by H. M. Taylor
and S.Karlin: Chapters 3.4, 3.7. |
20. |
(a) Introduction to Linear Optimization, Dimitri P. Bertsekas
and John N Tsitsiklis, Athena Scientific, 1997, Chapters
1-5, 10, 11.
(b) Introduction to Stochastic Programming, by John R.
Birge and F. Louveaux, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997,
Chapters 1-4.
(c) Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Dimitri P.
Bertsekas, 2nd edition, Athena Scientific, 2000, Chapter
(d) Dynamic Optimization, by Alpha C. Chiang, 1992, McGraw-Hill,
Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8. |