



  您現在的位置:首頁 > 中心簡介 > 黃秉鈞教授 > 自然循環式太陽能熱水器系統分析  
  1. B.J.Huang: "Similarity theory of solar water heater with natural circulation". Solar Energy, Vol.25(2), pp.105-116 (1980)

  2. B.J.Huang, Y.M.Tsuei and H.Wu: "Study of heat transfer in thermally stratified tanks". Proceedings of National Science Council, Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, Vol.8, No.4, pp.267-276(1984).

  3. B.J.Huang and S.P. Hu: "Hydrodynamic instability of a thermosyphon loop with wall damping effect." J. Chinese Society of Mech. Eng., Vol.13, No.2, pp.132-138 (1992).

  4. S.C.Du, B.J.Huang and R.H. Yen: "Hydrodynamic instability of solar thermosyphon water heaters". Trans. ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. , Vol.116, pp.53-62(1994).

  5. A Criterion Study of Solar irradiation Pattern for the Performance Test of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters (J.M. Chang, M. C. Shen and B.J.Huang), Accepted by Solar Energy Journal, May 10, 2002

  6. Synthetic Efficiency for Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater(J.M. Chang, J. S. Leu, M. C. Shen and B.J.Huang) World Renewable Energy Congress VII,29 June, 2002

  7. Effect of Solar Irradiation Pattern on the Performance Test of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters. (J.M. Chang, M. C. Shen and B.J.Huang) International Solar Energy Society 2001 Solar World Congress, Nov. 26-29, 2001, Adelaide, South Australia, 2002.12

  8. A criterion study of solar irradiation pattern for the performance test of thermosyphon solar water heaters. (J.M.Chang, M.C.Shen and B.J.Huang) Solar Energy 73, No.4, pp.287-292, 2003

  9. The criterion of synthetic efficiency for thermosyphon solar heating systems(J.M.Chang, J.S.Leu, M.C.Shen and B.J.Huang) Solar Energy(in press)2003

  10. A proposed modified efficiency for thermosyphon solar heating systems (J. M. Chang, J. S. Leu, M. C. Shen and B. J. Huang) Solar Energy 76, No.6, pp. 693-701 (2004).



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