公告內容 |
Measure of Instability and Multivariable Networked Stabilization
with Channel Resource Allocation
In this talk, we will survey the history of an instability measure
of an LTI system and its connections with various feedback control
problem. Then we will present its connections to networked control
problems of multivariable systems. In such problems, communication
resource allocation among various signal transmission channels becomes
a design issue in addition to the usual controller design. We will
see that some optimal and robust control problems arising in networked
control are nontraditional and highly nonconvex but can be nicely
and analytically solved, and the solutions are given in terms of
the instability measure.
The results to be reported are the recent findings in the joint
research with Professor Guoxiang Gu of LSU.
Professor Li Qiu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Li Qiu received the B.Eng degree from Hunan University, Changsha,
Hunan, China, in 1981, and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada, in 1987 and 1990,
respectively, all in electrical engineering. He joined Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, China, in 1993,
where he is now a professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering.
Prof. Qiu's research interests include system, control, information
theory, and mathematics for information technology. He served as
an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
and an associate editor of Automatica. He is now a Distinguished
Lecturer of IEEE Control Systems Society and the general chair of
the 7th Asian Control Conference, which is to be held in Hong Kong
in 2009. He is a fellow of IEEE.
時間及地 點
98年3月13日(星期五) 10:00 ~ 11:00