期刊論文 |
Kikuchi, N. and Cheng, J.H., 1983, “Finite Flement
Analysis of Large Deformation Problems Including Unilateral Contact and Friction,” in Computer
Methods for Nonlinear Solids and Structural Mechanics, (ed.) S.N. Atluri, AMD-54,
ASME, pp.121-132.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Kikuchi, N., 1985, “An Incremental Constitutive Relation
of Unilateral Contact Friction for Large Deformation Anslysis,” in Journal of Applied
Mechanics, Vol.52, pp.639-648.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Kikuchi, N., 1985, “An Analysis of Metal Forming
Processes Using Large Deformation Elastic-Plastic Formulations,” in Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.49, pp.71-108.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Kikuchi, N., 1986, “A Mesh Rezoning Technique for Finite
Element Simulation of Metal Forming Processes,” in International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Eingineering, Vol.23, pp.219-228.
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1988, “Automatic Adaptive Remeshing for Finite Element
Simulation of Forming Processes,” in International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Eingineering, Vol.26, pp.1-18.
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1992, “Advanced Design of Superplastically Formed
Components by Finite Element Simulation,” in Journal of the Chinese Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Vol.13, pp.289-298.
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1993, “Adaptive Grid Optimization for Structural Analysis:
Geometry-Based Approach,” in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
Vol.107, pp.1-22.
- Lee, S., Cheng, J.H., and Lee, J., 1993, “Superplastic Forming Model
Applications for Al-Li 8090,” in Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,
Vol.16, pp.843-851.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Ju, M.D., 1993, “Finite Element Analysis for Hot Forging
of Gear Tooth Blank,” Bulletin of the College of Engineering National Taiwan
University, No.59, pp.1-35 (in Chinese).
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1994, “Analytical Prediction of Pressure-Time Curve for
Free Inflation of Superplastic Sheet,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,
Vol.17, No.6, pp.823-834.
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1994, “A Procedure for Designing Initial Thickness
Variation for Superplastic Free Inflation,” International Journal of Mechanical
Sciences, Vol.36, No.11, pp.981-1000.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Chang, J., 1994, “Debonding Strength Prediction in
Macroscopic Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol.10, No.4, pp.275-287
(in Chinese).
- Cheng, J.H.
and Tseng, K.C., 1994, “Stress Analysis of Fin-stabilized
Saboted Projectiles,” Bulletin of the College of Engineering National Taiwan
University, No.61, pp.129-143 (in Chinese).
- Cheng, J.H.
and Lee, S., 1994, “Methods for Resolving Grooving Problems
in Parts Manufactured from Combined Diffusion Bonding and Superplastic Forming Processes,”
in Journal of Materials Processing Technology, v.45, pp.249-254.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Chen, W.J., 1994, “A Procedure for Determining Material
Constitutive Parameters for Superplastic Ti-6Al-4V Alloy,” Transactions of the
Aeronautical and Astonautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.26, No.3,
- Cheng, J.H.
and Wang, F., 1995, “Computer-Aided Cold Forgibility
Analysis of Aluminum Alloys,” The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol.11, No.3,
- Cheng, J.H.
and Huang, Y.C., 1995, “Design and Analysis of
Superplastically-Formed Hollow Structures,” in Transactions of the Aeronautical and
Astonautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.27, No.1, pp.51-60.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Fanchang, S.B., 1995, “Study of Mechanical Properties of
Hollow Structures Manufactured by Superplastic Forming and Diffusion Bonding Methods,”
in Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astonautical Society of the Republic of China,
Vol.27, No.3, pp.201-211.
- Cheng, J.H.
, and Wang, F., 1995, “A Method for Identifying Forgibility
Parameters by Combined Experiments with Finite Element Simulations,” Simulation of
Materials Processing: Theory, Methods and Applications, (ed.) S.-F. Shen and P.R. Dawson,
- Cheng, J.H.
and Z.Y. Chang, 1996, “A Fracture Criterion and Finite
Element Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composites,” in The Chinese Journal of Mechanics,
Vol.12, pp.389-400.
- Cheng, J.H.
, 1996, “The Determination of Material Parameters from
Superplastic Inflation Tests,” in Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
Vol.58, pp.233-246.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Liao, C.C., 1996, “Automation of Finite Element
Remeshing for Metal Forming Simulation,” in Transactions of the Aeronautical and
Astonautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.27, No.4, pp.329-341.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Chen, P.C., 1996, “Optimal Design of Fin-stabilized
Saboted Projectiles,” in Bulletin of the College of Engineering National Taiwan
University, No.67, pp.45-70.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Chen, C.M., 1996, “High Temperature Mechanical Effects
of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Turbine Blades,” Accepted in The Chinese Journal of
- Chang, H.Y. and Cheng, J.H., 1997, “Manufacturing and Mechaincal
Tests of Strainght-Rib Reinforced Hollow Structures,” in Transactions of the
Aeronautical and Astonautical Society of the Republic of China, Vol.29, pp.161-169.
- Cheng, J.H.
and Chang, C.W. 1997, ``A Displacement-Based Fracture
Criterion for Fiber-Reinfrced Composite Materials,‘’ Submited to Composites
Engineering, An International Journal.
- Cheng, J.H.
, Chen, W.J., Tang, W.S. Fengchiang, S.B. Hsiu, G.C., and
Chang, H.Y., 1998, "Design, Simulation, Manufacture and Strength Characterization of
SPF/DB Parts," Proceedings of the National Science Council, R.O.C., Vol.22,
- Chuang, T.H., Cheng, J.H., Wang, W.H., Yang, C.F. and Koo, C.H., 1998,
"Research on the Superplastic Forming (SPF) and Diffusion Bonding (DB) of Aerospace
Materials," Proceedings of the National Science Council, R.O.C.,
Vol.22, pp.103-115.
研討會論文 |
- Cheng, J.H., 1986, “Automatic Adaptive Remeshing in Forming
Simulation,'' in the Proceedings of First World Congress on Computational Mechanics,
Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
- Cheng, J.H., Finnigan, P.M., Hathaway, A.F., Kela, A., and
Schroeder, W.J., 1988, “Real Productivity with Next Generation MCAE Tools,'' in the
Proceedings of the 5th Chautaqua Conference on Productivity in Engineering and Design,
Newport, Rhode Island.
- Cheng, J.H., Finnigan, P.M., Hathaway, A.F., Kela, A., and
Schroeder, W.J., 1988, “Quadtree/Octree Meshing with Adaptive Analysis,'' in the
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Miami, Florida, pp.633-642.
- Cheng, J.H. and Finnigan, P.M., 1988, “White Paper on Automated
Materials Processing Simulations,'' Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, U.S.A.
- Cheng, J.H., 1991, “Superplastic Forming Simulation for Aircraft
Engine Components -- Design by Analysis'', in the Proceedings of 1st U.S. National
Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chicago.
- Chuang, T.H., Chang, S.Y., Cheng, J.H., Kao, H.P., and Hsu, S.E.,
1991, “Diffusion Bonding/Superplastic Forming of Ti6Al4V/SUS 304/Ti6Al4V,'' in Superplasticity
in Advanced Materials, (ed.) S. Hori, M. Tokizane and N. Furushiro, The Japan Society
for Research on Superplasticity, pp.661-666.
- Yang, S.Y., Cheng, J.H., and Chen, J.S., 1992, “Experimental and
Numerical Study on Hot Forming Process -- A Study on Microstructure Evolution and its
Relation to Properties,'' in the Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Advances in
Engineering Plasticity and its Application, Hong Kong.
- 鄭榮和, 張鈞綸, 1993, “纖維強化金屬基複合材料微破壞性質之有限元素分析,” 中國機械工程學會第十界全國學術研討會固力組論文集,
- 鄭榮和, 曾國金, 1993,
中國機械工程學會第十界全國學術研討會固力組論文集, pp.149-158.
- 鄭榮和, 陳文杰, 1994, “Ti-6Al-4V
超塑性成形與擴散接合學術研討會論文集, 臺灣大學, pp.212-239.
- Cheng, J.H., Chang, J., 1994, “Finite Element
Prediction of Debonding in Fiber Composites,” in the Proceedings of the Third World
Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chiba, Japan, pp.1350-1351.
- Cheng, J.H., Chen, W.J., 1994, “Determination
of Stress-Strain Rate Relations for Superplastic Forming Simulation,” in the Proceedings
of the Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chiba, Japan, pp.411-412.
- Cheng, J.H., Lee, S., 1994, “Methods for
Resolving Grooving Problems in Parts Manufactured from Combined Diffusion Bonding and
Superplastic Forming Processes,” in the Proceedings of the Fifth International
Conference on Metal Forming, Birmingham, United Kingdom, pp.249-254.
- 鄭榮和,唐偉森, 1994,
中國機械工程學會第十一界全國學術研討會論文集, pp.181-190.
- 鄭榮和,王昉, 1994,
中華民國第十八界全國力學會議論文集, pp.221-229.
- 鄭榮和,黃耀諆, 1994,
中華民國第十八界全國力學會議論文集, pp.329-337.
- 鄭榮和,范姜士炳, 1995,
中國機械工程學會第十二界全國學術研討會論文集, pp.475-484.
- 鄭榮和,陳柏誠, 1995,
中國機械工程學會第十二界全國學術研討會論文集, pp.919-928.
- 鄭榮和,張智源 , 1995,
中華民國第十九界全國力學會議論文集, pp.143-152.
- 鄭榮和,陳啟明,陳水源, 1995,
中華民國第十九界全國力學會議論文集, pp.197-206.
- Cheng, J.H. and Chang, Z.Y., 1996, “A
Displacement-Based Fracture Criterion for Failure Analysis of Unidirectional Composite
Materials,” in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Composites
Engineering, New Orleans, U.S.A., pp.163-166.
- 梁煒圻,鄭榮和, 1996,
中國機械工程學會第十三界全國學術研討會論文集, pp.578-585.
- 許國洲,鄭榮和, 1996,
中國機械工程學會第十三界全國學術研討會論文集, pp.382-389.
- 高怡久,鄭榮和, 1996,
中華民國第二十界全國力學會議論文集, pp.503-510.
- 張宏宇,鄭榮和, 1996,
中國航空太空學會第三十八屆學術研討會論文集, pp.259-266.
- Cheng, J.H. and Chang, H.Y., 1997 “Manufacture
and Strength Characterization of SPF/DB Parts,” in the Proceedings of the Sixth
International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Juneau, Alaska,
U.S.A., pp.421-423.
- 鄭榮和,蔡妙慈, 1997,
中國航空太空學會第三十九屆學術研討會論文集, pp.195-202.
- 鄭榮和,張朝萬, 1997,
中華民國第二十一界全國力學會議論文集, pp.133-140.
- 鄭榮和,黃義雄, 1997, “輪胎爆胎的分析與改善,” 中國機械工程學會第十四界全國學術研討會論文集,
專書、技術報告 |
- Cheng, J.H., 1988, “ASA---Adaptive Structural Analysis, User's Manual,'' General Electric Company, Corporate Reqsearch and Development
Center, Schenectady, New York.
- Cheng, J.H. and Srivatsa, S., 1990, “Evaluation of Nonlinear
Finite Element Programs for Simulation of 3-D Forging and Heat Treatment Processes,'' GE
Corporate Reqsearch and Development Report No.90CR215.
- 蘇侃, 楊宏智, 楊申語, 鄭榮和,
1992, “碳鋼閉模熱鍛技術之探討與電腦模擬,” 國科會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 81-0422-E002-08。
- 鄭榮和, 曾國金, 1993,
國防科技學術合作協調小組合作研究計劃第一期成果報告, NSC
- 鄭榮和, 陳文杰, 1993,
國科會重點研究群計劃第一期成果報告, NSC 81-0416-E002-04 & NSC
- 鄭榮和, 莊東漢, 張學啟, 陳文杰,
徐春濬, 1993, “飛行組件的超塑性成形設計與製造,''
國防科技學術合作協調小組合作研究計劃第一期成果報告, CS
- 顧鈞豪, 薛昌明, 莊東漢, 陳立業, 廖文彬,
馬劍清, 單秋成, 鄭榮和, 洪宏基, 1993,
國科會太空科技基礎研究專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 81-F-SP-002-01。
- 鄭榮和, 廖建中, 1993,
- 陳復國, 鄭榮和, 1993,
“熱鍛製程分析與模具設計,” 工業技術研究院委託研究報告。
- 鄭榮和, 朱銘燈, 1993,
國科會專題研究計劃成果報告, NSC 82-0401-E002-185。
- 鄭榮和, 1993,
- 鄭榮和, 王昉, 1993,
- 莊東漢, 鄭榮和, 徐景馨, 1993,
國防科技學術合作協調小組合作研究計劃第二期成果報告, CS
- 鄭榮和, 王昉, 1994,
- 鄭榮和, 陳柏誠, 1994,
國防科技學術合作協調小組合作研究計劃第二期成果報告, NSC
- 鄭榮和, 黃耀諆, 1994,
國科會重點研究群計劃第二期第二年成果報告, NSC 83-0416-E-002-003。
- 鄭榮和, 梁煒圻, 1995,
- 鄭榮和, 陳啟明, 1995,
- 鄭榮和, 張宏宇, 1996,
國科會重點研究群計劃第二期第三年成果報告, NSC 84-2215-E-002-047。
- 鄭榮和, 張智源, 1996,
國科會專題研究群計劃果報告, NSC 85-2212-E-002-038。